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Archer Cleric Guide

Archer Cleric Guide

Build Overview


  • Powerful ranged damage with longbow and arrows
  • Versatile class with healing and buffing abilities
  • Gains bonus attacks per round at levels 7 and 13


  • Lower hit points than pure clerics
  • Can be overwhelmed by large groups of enemies in melee combat
  • Requires careful positioning and resource management

The archer cleric is a unique and powerful build that combines the ranged damage of a fighter with the healing and support abilities of a cleric. With careful planning and execution, an archer cleric can be a formidable force on the battlefield.

This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the archer cleric build, including stat allocation, skill selection, feat choices, and equipment recommendations. We will also discuss strategies for playing an archer cleric effectively in combat and how to get the most out of this versatile class.

Stat Allocation

The archer cleric is a MAD (multiple ability dependent) build, meaning that it benefits from high scores in multiple ability scores. The most important ability scores for an archer cleric are:

  • Strength: Determines carrying capacity and damage with melee weapons.
  • Dexterity: Determines AC, ranged attack bonus, and initiative.
  • Constitution: Determines hit points and saving throws against poison and disease.
  • Intelligence: Determines skill points and spell slots.
  • Wisdom: Determines cleric spellcasting ability.

For an archer cleric, the ideal stat allocation is:

  • Strength: 14
  • Dexterity: 16
  • Constitution: 14
  • Intelligence: 10
  • Wisdom: 16

This stat allocation provides a good balance of damage, survivability, and spellcasting ability.
